Breach Proof Data Security for Veeam

Protect Veeam data against theft, ransomware, & outages using the world's most secure data storage technique.

Breach Proof
Ransomware Safe
Cyber Resilient

Introducing the Data Security


Store Veeam Backups in a Breach Proof Data Harbor

Many IT teams are not confident in their backup strategy and worry about ransomware pillaging their last line of defense. Calamu is the missing link in a truly secure and resilient backup solution.

✔️Breach Proof

Stores data as Digital Sludge which is useless to hackers if stolen.

  • Digital SludgeFragmentation
  • Restore Control™ Compromised Credential Protection

✔️Ransomware Proof

Built-in security scanning will alert if ransomware is detected, and self-heal to ensure you are always in a "restore-ready" position.

  • Anomaly Detection
  • Automatic Self-Healing
  • Monitoring & Alerts


Data is available to restore even during an active cyber attack, outage, or natural disaster.

  • Multi-Cloud Redundancy
  • Geographic Redundancy
  • Cloud Vendor Agnostic

✔️Higher Availability

Close the "availability gap" with a Data Harbor repository that exceeds your recovery objectives.

  • Highest Data Durability
  • Near Unlimited 9's Possible
  • Automatic Failover

✔️2X Faster Performance

Restoring from a Data Harbor is twice as fast due to patented parallel processing.
  • Parallel Processing
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Uptime Status Alerts

✔️S3-API Compatible

Create a Data Harbor and connect it to Veeam in 30 minutes or less, using industry standards.
  • Easy Configuration
  • Rapid Deployment
  • Highly Customizable


Prepare For Every Eventuality