Absorb cyberattacks with no downtime.

The world's only ransomware proof, self-healing backup repository. 

Why Cyber Vaulting

A Powerful Approach to Ransomware

Cyber vaulting is the single best defense against ransomware, keeping a pristine and secure copy of data separate from production systems and even backup systems. Unlike traditional air-gapped storage for backup and recovery, modern cyber vaulting creates a "virtual air-gap" in which data is both isolated and accessible for rapid recovery.

The Calamu Data Harbor approach to cyber vaulting is unlike any other. It is the only solution that can absorb a ransomware attack and self-heal automatically, eliminating lengthy periods of downtime and consequences such as data exfiltration, theft, and loss.



Data Isolation Without Blackouts

Proprietary Resilience Algorithm

The Calamu Data Harbor uses a proprietary resilience algorithm that creates a virtual air-gap in the cloud, dispersing data across multiple physically separated storage locations to ensure robust security and instant accessibility. 

Calamu Process for Backup